» » Student debate "Ecology: is it worth giving up plastic?"

Student debate "Ecology: is it worth giving up plastic?"

Дата: 14-03-2023, 11:54 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Creativity, critical thinking, cooperation, communication skills - these are the competencies that today's youth need to succeed in the future. They also have to be able to argue and respect the opinions of others, even if they don't match their own.

In order for students to practice their soft skills, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of West Ukrainian National University has launched a new project - student debates, the topics of which are relevant not only for Ukraine but also for the world and are chosen through voting.

Recently, another round of debates "Ecology: should we give up plastic?" took place.

This time, first-year students from SR-11 and PS-11 groups competed in a fierce debate. Both teams were very convincing, but the social workers (SR-11) proved to be the stronger, according to the jury and online audience.

We congratulate the winners and thank the participants for their thorough preparation and interesting presentations!