» » Webinar "Features of managing the funds of EU Erasmus+ projects"

Webinar "Features of managing the funds of EU Erasmus+ projects"

Дата: 17-03-2023, 14:22 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 We invite representatives of higher education capacity building projects (CBHE) and Jean Monnet Programme to take part in the webinar "Features of managing EU Erasmus+ projects", which will be held on March 23, 2023 at 15:00.

The event is organized in cooperation with Ukrainian higher education institutions - implementers of CBHE and Jean Monnet projects.

Target audience: teams of existing projects of the EU Erasmus+ programme: CBHE, Jean Monnet, other 2022 call projects, representatives of other university departments and services.

Registration is required. The registration form will be open until 15:00 on March 22, 2023. A link to the Zoom platform will be sent by email to registered participants by 18:00 on March 22, 2023.

Event agenda:

15:00-15:20 - general conditions of the Erasmus+ programme for project fund management: Svitlana Shytikova, Coordinator of the National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (EU project).

15:20-16:30 - Presentation of the experience of Ukrainian higher education institutions in managing project funds: receiving and crediting funds to the organization's account, documents for the State Treasury Service, making payments, paying salaries, business trips, executing contracts and documents, maintaining documentation and reporting in accordance with national legislation within the rules of the Erasmus+ programme.

16:30-17:00 - Q&A session: Svitlana Shytikova, Petro Krainik, National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine (EU project), project teams.

17:00-17:30 - discussion, comments and next steps.

We kindly ask participants to familiarize themselves with the resources on the NEO in Ukraine website:

Call for proposals for CA2 2021-2027 - National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine: https://erasmusplus.org.ua/opportunities/mozhlyvosti-dlya-organizaczij/vykonavczyam-proyektiv-2021-2027/ 

For Jean Monnet 2021-2027 project implementers - National Erasmus+ Office in Ukraine: https://erasmusplus.org.ua/opportunities/mozhlyvosti-dlya-organizaczij/napryam-zhan-mone/vykonavczyam-proyektiv-2021-2027/ 

Guidelines for HEIs and other organizations participating in EU Erasmus+ projects: https://erasmusplus.org.ua/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/pamyatka_january_2023.pdf

For more information, please contact: Kateryna Zhdanova, NEO Ukraine Manager. Contacts: +38 093 773 43 92 (Telegram, WhatsApp), k.zhdanova@ukr.net

Language of the webinar: Ukrainian

See you online!