Дата: 17-03-2023, 15:14 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On Monday, March 20, the Global Money Week kicks off at West Ukrainian National University.

GLOBAL MONEY WEEK is an annual global initiative that includes global and regional events and activities aimed at drawing public attention to financial literacy and teaching children and young people about all aspects of money through fun and interactive activities. This is a week when many educational events, lectures, project launches, presentations and competitions on financial education and literacy take place in more than 130 countries around the world.

Since 2016, students and teachers of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance of West Ukrainian National University have been annually joining the celebration of Global Money Week. Our goal is to unite educational institutions of Ternopil region to celebrate GLOBAL MONEY WEEK, to inspire children and young people to learn more about money and personal finance, how to earn, do business and save.

So, we invite active, enterprising, creative young people to join the celebration of GLOBAL MONEY WEEK at West Ukrainian National University!

You can expect: interesting lectures from invited guests - experts in the field of finance; a telethon dedicated to financial literacy and financial patriotism, with the participation of our students and foreign guests from abroad; intellectual financial games and workshops for students of the university, colleges and schools of Ternopil.

Also during this week, you can become an active participant and winner of the student presentation contest on financial awareness of young people or the TIK TOK video contest on financial topics by liking their demonstration on social networks.

Financial games, interesting talks and excursions to the WUNU Money Museum will be held for schoolchildren.

Follow our daily announcements of events and join us!

Become financially literate with us!