» » Telethon "Financial Literacy and Financial Patriotism: National and International Contexts"

Telethon "Financial Literacy and Financial Patriotism: National and International Contexts"

Дата: 21-03-2023, 12:56 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Global Money Week at West Ukrainian National University began with a telethon "Financial Literacy and Financial Patriotism: National and International Contexts".

Financial literacy is the right way to achieve financial goals. Only with thoughtful and efficient use of personal finances can we save our first million, buy a dream car, apartment or start our own business. Therefore, the telethon discussed a number of issues related to the development of financial literacy in Ukraine and abroad, focusing on financial patriotism, as today's mainstream is demonstrating the unprecedented level of patriotism among Ukrainians.

The first vice-rector of WUNU Mykola Shynkaryk made a welcoming speech. The telethon was also supported by the Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting Andrii Kizyma, Head of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance Olha Kyrylenko, and Deputy Chairman of the Board of MTB Bank PJSC Ilya Klymovych (Odesa). The event was moderated by Natalia Kolomyichuk, Associate Professor of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance.

In total, about 100 participants took part in the telethon. Among them were students and teachers of WUNU and the Vyacheslav Chornovil Galician Vocational College, representatives of banking institutions, and foreign guests.

The telethon participants concluded that financial literacy is a set of approaches, rules, and practices that allow us to manage our financial flows so effectively that we can become richer, achieve our goals, and maintain our standard of living even in old age.