» » Training course "Diploma in Foreign Policy and Security Studies"

Training course "Diploma in Foreign Policy and Security Studies"

Дата: 21-03-2023, 13:23 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Center for American Studies invites students, Ph.D. candidates, faculty (researchers) and researchers to take part in the certified weekend course "Diploma in Foreign Policy and Security Studies", which will be conducted by American experts in national security and foreign policy.

Jaro Bilotserkovic - University of Dayton, Ohio, Charles Kupchan - Georgetown University, Colleen Anderson - University at Buffalo, New York, Svet Derderian - University of Colorado Boulder, Sarah Wilson Sockey - University of Colorado Boulder.

The Diploma in Foreign Policy and Security Studies program consists of five 90-minute classes (with Q&A sessions) with scholars from top U.S. universities, culminating in an international conference with national security and foreign policy experts. Upon completion of the program, participants will receive an official diploma.

During the course, you will gain an understanding of the foreign and security policy challenges of Central and Eastern Europe and the role of the United States in this region, which is currently the most turbulent in the world, gain access to expert knowledge on issues that have dominated the public sphere and media over the past year, become part of a transatlantic platform for the exchange of ideas, develop language skills that will be useful in your career in any international environment, participate in an international academic conference with experts from leading American universities, and learn about the role of the United States in the region.

Course program and dates:

The war in Ukraine: putin's miscalculations, international implications, and U.S. Response, Jaro Bilocerkowycz – University of Dayton, Ohio (March 28).
NATO engagement in the war in Ukraine, Charles Kupchan – Georgetown University (April 26).
American and NATO foreign policy in Eastern Europe, with special emphasis on Ukraine and russia, Collin Anderson – University at Buffalo New York (May 24).
How the U.S. and the EU's failure to create a sustainable anti-corruption civil society sector in Eastern Europe led to the rebirth of populism and russophilia in the region, Svet Derderyan – University of Colorado Boulder (June 14).
Ukrainian democracy & russian war against Ukraine, Sarah Wilson Sokhey - University of Colorado Boulder (June 26).
International conference on foreign policy & security studies (August 18).

Spots are limited!

For more information and registration, please follow the link: https://www.cfasofficial.com/ua/c%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%86%D1%96%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%96%D0%B7%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%96-%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%80%D1%81%D0%B8/diploma-in-foreign-policy-and-security-studies 

Since the Center for American Studies operates on a non-profit basis, course fees are used only to cover the costs of organizing courses and compensating American experts.