» » Lecture "Introduction to Polish Criminal Law: the Science of Crime"

Lecture "Introduction to Polish Criminal Law: the Science of Crime"

Дата: 22-03-2023, 12:29 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The School of Polish and European Law invites students and teachers to attend the lecture "Introduction to Polish Criminal Law: the Science of Crime", which will be held on March 23 at 17:00.

Lecturer: Dr. Agnieszka Pilch, Associate Professor of Criminal Law at the Jagiellonian University, Judge of the Krakow District Court.

During the meeting, we will talk about the concept and elements of a crime under the Polish Criminal Code, circumstances that exclude the criminality of an act, classification of crimes, stages of crime.

Join the meeting online using the Zoom platform.

Meeting ID: 832 3388 8936

Passcode: 798251