» » West Ukrainian National University in SCImago Institutional Rankings

West Ukrainian National University in SCImago Institutional Rankings

Дата: 22-03-2023, 13:46 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 In the SCImago innovation rating among higher education institutions of Ukraine, WUNU is among the leaders, ranking 5th among 44 best universities!

SCImago (SIR) is a scientometric ranking based on three different sets of indicators. They are based on research results, innovation, and societal impact, which is measured through the activity of universities oin the Internet.

The ranking is compiled by an independent international commission that takes into account the scientific and educational performance of the university.

We are proud that the international community appreciates the work of the scientists of West Ukrainian National University.

This recognition motivates us to introduce new ideas, improve Ukrainian education, and continue to work, making even more progress!