» » The second day of Global Money Week!

The second day of Global Money Week!

Дата: 23-03-2023, 13:06 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Global Money Week continues at West Ukrainian National University in Ternopil. A lecture-webinar on financial literacy called "What do you need to know about your personal budget?" and "My own startup" lecture were held as part of the second day.

Andrii Kizyma (Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of the Western Ukrainian National University), Olha Kyrylenko (Head of the S.I. Yuriy Department of Finance), Nadia Lopatynska (Director of Phoenix Consult) and Veronika Dokhvat (Customs Broker) addressed the audience with welcoming remarks.

The meeting was attended by about 80 participants: students and teachers of WUNU. In a presentation format, the participants were introduced to the specifics of forming a personal budget as a plan for regulating family income and expenses, usually drawn up for a monthly period in the form of a table, and a balance of family income and expenses. In addition, the criteria and guidelines for drawing up a family financial plan, calculating family income and expenses for a certain period of time were clarified.

At the end of the seminar, there was a lively discussion with customs broker Veronika Dokhvat. It was extremely interesting for the students to learn about the peculiarities of how customs intermediaries operate in Ukraine, the current realities of vehicle customs clearance, and the prospects for such customs formalities through the Diia app.

The event was organized by Inna Hutsul, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Yuriy Department of Finance.