» » Shaping the future architecture of European security

Shaping the future architecture of European security

Дата: 24-03-2023, 14:34 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Within the framework of the project "Public Diplomacy Studies 5.0" under the certificate programme "European Studies: Diplomacy, Politics, Law, Economics, Communications", a meeting was held with Andriy Veselovsky, Ukrainian diplomat, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine.

The participants discussed how and when Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine will end, possible scenarios for the development of events, what the new world order will look like, the danger of Russia's collapse, what the collective security system might look like in the future, and what place Ukraine will take in this system, who is not satisfied with a strong Ukraine and why, and how to minimize the "Russian threat" in the future, whether Ukraine will become a NATO member, when it will change its status from a candidate country to an EU member state, how Brussels assesses Ukraine's readiness to join the EU, and why EU countries are afraid of enlargement.

Participants wondered why the UN is not ready to respond to the challenges of our time, why the permanent representatives of the UN Security Council have a high status and veto power, which allows Russia to violate the UN's statutory goal of guaranteeing peace and security in the world, why all UN member states "turn a blind eye" and do not recognize Russia's "genocidal practices" on the territory of Ukraine, and whether it is possible to reform the UN at all.

"Defeating the Russian enemy is our main mission. We are doing a just and fair thing with courage," summarized Andriy Veselovsky.

We thank Andriy Ivanovych for an informative and insightful discussion!