» » The sixth day of GLOBAL MONEY WEEK

The sixth day of GLOBAL MONEY WEEK

Дата: 30-03-2023, 13:02 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 As part of the Global Money Week, on March 25, 2023, on the territory of the Zolochiv Castle Museum-Reserve, students of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, together with students and schoolchildren of Zolochiv educational institutions, took part in the intellectual quest "Labyrinths of Financial Literacy", organized by Oksana Kvasnytsia, PhD, Associate Professor of the S.I. Yuriy Department of Finance.

The participants divided into teams of 6 people: Zolochiv Lyceum - "Lyceum", Zolochiv Vocational College of Lviv Polytechnic National University - "College", Zolochiv Secondary School No. 1 named after S. Tudor - "And we are...", Zolochiv Secondary School No. 2 named after M. Shashkevych - "Unbreakable" and the team of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of WUNU - "FFAlies".

The quest passed through 8 locations, where young people performed tasks to acquire the skills of basic financial literacy and financial patriotism, form and use a personal budget, ways to save money, create a financially literate puzzle, solve financial puzzles and determine the main trajectories of financial success for each team. The youth also demonstrated their awareness of folk wisdom about money during one of the quests.

All participants of the quest received awards and interesting gifts. The unforgettable experience of visiting the cultural and historical monument on the territory of the Galician land and the feeling of connection with the past after the educational tour inspired the youth to make new journeys.