» » Meeting with Ferenc Nemeth within the framework of the project "Public Diplomacy Studies 5.0"

Meeting with Ferenc Nemeth within the framework of the project "Public Diplomacy Studies 5.0"

Дата: 5-04-2023, 17:06 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, within the framework of the project "Public Diplomacy Studies 5.0" under the certificate programme "European Studies: Diplomacy, Politics, Law, Economics, Communications", a meeting was held with Ferenc Nemeth, a researcher at the Institute of Foreign Affairs and Trade at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, program manager of the Western Balkans and Eastern Europe research programme.

The participants discussed the role and future of the newly created European Political Community initiative in the pan-European context and in view of the current security and political challenges for European states.

In the context of dramatic changes in the strategic security environment on the European continent, the issue of not just uniting states within existing regional integration associations, but also engaging countries in discussions on the agenda that directly affect the security and stability of Europe in a broader context, has become an issue on the agenda.

The European Political Community (EPC) is a new pan-European summit that brings together the leaders of the 27 EU member states and 17 invited states, including: The United Kingdom, Turkey, Norway, the Associated Trio states (Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia), as well as Armenia and Azerbaijan, and the Western Balkan states.

During the meeting, a constructive discussion took place on the very idea of the European Political Community, which is still outlined in very general terms. However, it is clear that the main trigger for the creation of the European Political Community was the Russian aggression against Ukraine. In the context of a full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war in the center of Europe, it should be a starting point for a strategic discussion of vectors for restoring stability and security on the European continent.

Moderator - Viktoria Homotiuk, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Deputy Director of the B.D. Havrylyshyn Institute of International Relations of WUNU.

We are grateful to the speaker for the relevant topic and meaningful intellectual discussion, to the Embassy of Hungary in Ukraine, the Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Ternopil and Tetiana Chubak for supporting our initiatives, to all participants for their trust and for staying with us!