» » Lecture "Constitutional Justice"

Lecture "Constitutional Justice"

Дата: 20-04-2023, 11:34 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The School of Polish and European Law invites students and teachers to a lecture "Constitutional Justice" to be held on April 21 at 17:00. The lecturer is a former judge of the Constitutional Court of Poland, Dr. Hab., Professor Mirosław Granat.

During the meeting, we will discuss the models of the institution of constitutional justice in legal systems, legal principles of the constitutional justice institution in Poland, the history of the Constitutional Court of Poland, the place of constitutional justice in the system of legal protection of the Constitution of Poland, principles of organization, main activities of the Constitutional Court of Poland, as well as the problems of implementing the acts of the Constitutional Court of Poland, principles and procedures of constitutional proceedings, the status of a judge of the Constitutional Court of Poland.

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