» » The European Commission approved the WUNU project within the Erasmus+ Programme

The European Commission approved the WUNU project within the Erasmus+ Programme

Дата: 4-08-2023, 18:12 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The European Commission has approved the application of West Ukrainian National University under the Erasmus+ Programme in the field of Capacity Building in Higher Education, Key Action 2.

Congratulations to the team of "The Universities' Reaction to Big Obstacles: Building resilient higher education to respond and manage societal crises" (TURBO) team with this important achievement.

The project will be implemented by an international consortium of universities led by the Nord University (Kingdom of Norway) as the main coordinator. Other partners include the Leon Kozminski Academy (Poland) and Ukrainian institutions.

The main goal of the TURBO project is to increase the resilience, readiness, and responsiveness of Ukrainian higher education institutions to social challenges. By strengthening capacity, improving competencies, and sharing experiences, the project will address multifaceted challenges that contribute to the development of both academia and society as a whole.

The project aims to support the reintegration of internally displaced persons (IDPs) into new local communities through targeted retraining and social adaptation initiatives; exchange of best practices and experiences related to retraining and social adaptation of IDPs in Ukraine and internationally; increase the capacity of Ukrainian universities to offer adapted, market-relevant business and management education programs, which will facilitate faster integration into the European Union's educational space; advocate for improvement of the legal framework of the Ukrainian higher education system, in particular, the recognition of microloans as a component of continuing education at universities; establish cooperation between various stakeholders to ensure social inclusion, increase student employability and support the quality of higher education in times of social upheaval.

The TURBO project is an example of joint efforts aimed at strengthening higher education and supporting social progress, emphasizing the importance of international partnership in solving complex problems.

We wish you a successful implementation of the project and achievement of new heights in the field of internationalization!

This project has received funding from the European Union (ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE) under grant agreement No 101129315.