» » Attention students!

Attention students!

Дата: 26-10-2023, 15:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students majoring in 072 "Management and Administration", 071 "Accounting and Taxation", 072 "Finance, Banking, Insurance and Stock Market", and 073 "Management" are invited to participate in the online version of the AICPA/CIMA Business Game!

The Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) offers the opportunity to participate in an interesting and well-known project - the online version of the AICPA/CIMA Business Game.

This quiz consists of a series of Pixx-wizz* case studies that will review the best practices of global organisations, links to the relevant pages on the website and the AICPA/CIMA syllabus.

This is a great opportunity to get to know CIMA and its qualifications, as well as to contribute to solving real issues and problems faced by modern business.

The game consists of 12 questions with multiple choice answers. The passing score is 9 correct answers.

Each participant must provide an email address, name, university, faculty/speciality and year.

Upon completion of the game, the participant will receive a certificate, as well as an email with instructions on how to post their photo with the certificate on Facebook with #CIMA.

CIMA-Ukraine will also recognise the best players and post information about them on its social media pages.

Register by following the link: https://forms.office.com/r/hyDucD8Em7