WUNU ranked 12th in the speciality "Public Management and Administration" among HEIs

 The success of reforms and the country's recovery depends on whether public servants have the appropriate competencies to perform their duties effectively. This means that they need to have quality education and training, and to keep their knowledge and skills up to date.

Therefore, today it is extremely important to understand who and how trains specialists in the field of Public Administration and Management at the bachelor's, master's, PhD and doctoral levels, and what trends are emerging in their training.

In the 2022/23 academic year, 95 higher education institutions had competitive offers for the first (bachelor's) level of training in Public Management and Administration. There were 3,288 full-time students in this speciality (an average of 34 students per institution in years 1-4), and 1,264 part-time students (an average of 13 students per institution).

For the second (master's) level of study in the academic year 2022/2023, 119 universities offered competitive offers. These universities had 1,452 full-time students (an average of 16 people per institution). The largest full-time departments were formed at Lviv Polytechnic National University - 161 people, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv - 104, and West Ukrainian National University - 90. In the academic year 2022/23, 2,874 master's degree students studied part-time (an average of 30 students per institution).

For the third (PhD) level of training, only 5 higher education institutions offered competitive offers in the academic year 2022/23. Thus, 672 people (an average of 30 people per institution) studied in postgraduate studies in the speciality "Public Administration and Management" during this period.

One of the universal tools for determining the effectiveness of a university in the field of training specialists in public management and administration is a ranking based on the method of weighted scores, using data from the EDEBO and determined by 18 parameters. It evaluates the accreditation of the educational programme, the availability of a competitive offer and its implementation, the quality of the facilities, the teaching staff, the external independent evaluation scores of graduates, the number of dissertations defended, place in the national Top 200 ranking and other important parameters.

This ranking included 134 universities and West Ukrainian National University ranked 12th, which testifies to the effectiveness and quality of the educational process at the institution, and thus the proper level of training of specialists in public administration and management.

The Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel of West Ukrainian National University provides training of specialists at the bachelor's, master's and PhD levels of higher education under the educational programme "Public Management and Administration". With its strong human resources, research, education and communication potential, the Department is a leader in Ukraine in the field of educational, research, methodological and organisational support for the implementation of effective management of the development of the state, regions, communities, enterprises, institutions and organisations of various forms of ownership.