» » Charity student play "The Night Before Christmas"

Charity student play "The Night Before Christmas"

Дата: 26-12-2023, 12:29 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 West Ukrainian National University hosted a charity student performance of The Night Before Christmas, which whimsically intertwined ancient legends and scenes from the life of a Ukrainian village of the time, sincere love, a sense of humour, loud carols, wintry and joyful everyday life, and interesting meetings.

The time before Christmas, full of magic and miracles in a village near Dykanka, united the community of West Ukrainian National University and the people of Ternopil in their common aspiration to raise funds to support WUNU students who are defending Ukraine.

Rector Oksana Desyatnyuk addressed the audience: "It is gratifying that good deeds unite Ukrainians. Today, each of us has the opportunity to bring the victory closer so that our young people can live and study in a free, strong and independent state!"

The events of the last night before the holiest holiday of the year, when miracles happen and wishes come true, came to life in the assembly hall of WUNU.

The boys and girls conveyed the essence of the story, bringing good cheer to the audience.


Vsevolod Obertas, Liubov Sharak, Serhii Bohdanov, Ilona Dyadio.

The charity performance raised UAH 95,500.

We would like to thank the student leadership, faculty and institute staff, the staff of the Creative Development Office, and the university administration for their support in implementing this project!