» » WUNU representatives took part in a workshop on digital skills development as part of the AFID Erasmus+CBHE project

WUNU representatives took part in a workshop on digital skills development as part of the AFID Erasmus+CBHE project

Дата: 22-04-2024, 12:37 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Within the framework of the AFID Erasmus+CBHE project, representatives of West Ukrainian National University: Head of the Department of Economics and Economic Theory, Doctor of Economics, Professor Viktor Koziuk and Professor of the Department of Economics and Economic Theory, Doctor of Economics, Oleksandr Dluhopolskyi took part in the workshop "Digital Skills for Academic and Administrative Staff".

Representatives of other Ukrainian higher education institutions also joined the event: SUTE, Lviv Polytechnic National University, KhNEU named after S. Kuznets, NTU Dnipro Polytechnic, as did foreign experts from the University of Alcalá (Spain) and the University of Lisbon (Portugal).

Participants had the opportunity to discuss building information flows and decision-making models within the business processes of a virtual university, work with course creation and class management in MS Teams, learn about creating the structure and content of courses in MS Teams, ensure effective communication within the course using MS Teams, create course assignments and assessments, consider the use of other integrated tools, and consult on online classes.

At the end of the training, the project participants discussed key aspects of ensuring inclusion in online courses.