» » WUNU students participated in the BUP Student Conference 2024!

WUNU students participated in the BUP Student Conference 2024!

Дата: 23-04-2024, 12:33 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of West Ukrainian National University: Kateryna Bozhakivska, Yuliia Butryn, Anna Stasiuk, Anastasiia Onyshkiv, and Anastasiia Melnychuk took part in the conference "Changed Circumstances and New Threats to Sustainable Development in the Baltic Sea Region" as part of the RESCUU project, which aims to ensure the resilience of Ukrainian educational institutions during Russia's war against Ukraine.

On 15-18 April 2024, students from Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Sweden studied postcolonialism and displacement, ecological design, and sustainable development at the Poznan University of Technology. Students also looked at the current energy dependence of the Baltic Sea region and the gradual phase-out of fossil fuels, the war in Ukraine, nuclear hazards and radiation, innovative energy technologies, global, national and European perspectives on Ukrainian migration, and nuclear energy in Europe.

The conference programme was very eventful: expert reports, workshops, lectures, student presentations, debates, and panel discussions. The young men and women, working in teams, discussed the consequences of the war in Ukraine in the European context, developed interdisciplinary and intercultural communication, shared their views on current threats, and looked for common ways to solve the problems of today.

Upon completion of the programme, students received certificates.

The BUP Student Conference 2024 is a unique experience, internationalisation in practice, an interdisciplinary approach, innovative ways to promote and implement sustainable development in different regions of the world, and building a sustainable future.

We wish the young people of WUNU new ideas and developments, and inexhaustible inspiration for further achievements!

The photographs were taken by: Anna Staviarz, Karol Hutek, Jakub Niklas, Shimon Lament, Nicole Mathis.