» » International round table "International cooperation in the context of global challenges"

International round table "International cooperation in the context of global challenges"

Дата: 24-04-2024, 13:53 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 We invite everyone to take part in the International Roundtable "International Cooperation in the Context of Global Challenges" with the participation of foreign partners and leading Ukrainian universities, which will be held on 25 April at 15:00 in room 11103.

During the event, participants will discuss the importance of cooperation between countries in times of urgent challenges. Invited speakers, academics and practitioners, representatives of different countries will exchange views and ideas on how to respond effectively to current issues.

The abstracts of the reports are available in the attached documents.

Join us in building a constructive dialogue and finding common solutions for the benefit of the world's development!


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