» » Graduation ceremony for the Law Faculty students!

Graduation ceremony for the Law Faculty students!

Дата: 24-04-2024, 14:04 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 An exciting and momentous event unfolded in the Zbarazh Castle - the graduation of Masters of the Law Faculty of West Ukrainian National University. This long-awaited and unforgettable moment brought together the university community, distinguished guests, graduates and their families.

On the red carpet, the audience cheered the masters of Law, Law Enforcement, Law Enforcement and Economic Security, and International Law.

The atmosphere of the celebration was filled with the joy of achievement, pride in the journey, sadness and nostalgia for the student years. For many, the moment of graduation will become a symbol of a new stage in life, the culmination of many years of work and self-improvement, and for others, a path of challenges and opportunities, search and self-discovery.

The ceremony was attended by the Rector of WUNU Oksana Desyatnyuk. Congratulating the youth, prof. Desyatnyuk said: "Glory to Ukraine! Dear guests, graduates, parents, colleagues! Today is a special day for everyone, because even in the most difficult times for Ukraine, our law graduates get their dream profession and go to work to defend the state in the legal field. Your contribution to the future of our country is invaluable, because you are here at home, making plans, volunteering, helping the Armed Forces of Ukraine to withstand and win. Thanks to our defenders, including students and graduates of the Law Faculty, we can work, study, and have a home in our own country.

The Dean of the Law Faculty, Serhii Banakh, also addressed the graduates with a congratulatory speech: "In a difficult time for our country, you will find your place in life. I am convinced that you will be worthy and true patriots of Ukraine!"

During the celebrations, touching and warm words were heard from the alumni - defenders of Ukraine who are heroically defending our country.

Unfortunately, the bitterness of the loss has not spared the Law Faculty. Vasyl Zdeb, a student majoring in Law Enforcement, who, like this year's graduates, was about to receive his diploma, sacrificed his life for our future. He will always remain the best graduate of the Law Faculty of West Ukrainian National University - a warrior hero!

The master's degrees were awarded by the Rector of West Ukrainian National University Oksana Desyatnyuk, Vice-Rector for International Relations Uliana Koruts, Head of Ternopil District Administrative Court Uliana Mirinovych, Head of Ternopil Regional Prosecutor's Office Andrii Mykolaichuk, member of the Supervisory Board of West Ukrainian National University, Prof. of Jagiellonian University and Osnabruck University, WUNU Doctor Honoris Causa, Fryderyk Zoll.

Graduates, your youth has been scorched by the war, but your unbreakable and unconquerable hearts give you the strength to live today and implement bold plans!

Learn, work and grow for the benefit of our country!