» » Official Participation Announcement of WUNU Team in Erasmus+ Project "MY FARM"

Official Participation Announcement of WUNU Team in Erasmus+ Project "MY FARM"

Дата: 14-05-2024, 13:13 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

Dear students, colleagues, and partners,
We are delighted to inform you that the team from the Department of Information and Computing Systems and Management at the Western Ukrainian National University has successfully participated in the initial meeting of the international Erasmus+ project "MY FARM," held in Naples, Italy.

Our delegation included:
- Professor Myroslav Komar,
- Associate Professor Khrystyna Lypyanina-Honcharenko,
- Associate Professor Oleksandr Osolinsky.

Have you ever considered the role of agriculture in sustainability and rural development?
MY FARM is a European Union-funded project that brings together partners from Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Ukraine, Portugal, and Italy, focusing on multifunctional agricultural practices.
From April 9th to 11th, under the warm Neapolitan sun, we attended the kickoff meeting at the Federico II University. We shared ideas and perspectives from diverse backgrounds, united by the common goal of promoting sustainable and multifunctional agricultural practices.
We extend our gratitude to the Federico II University for their hospitality and to all our partners for their dedication and enthusiasm. We are ready to turn challenges into opportunities and collectively shape the future of agriculture.