» » Working meeting with the President of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine

Working meeting with the President of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine

Дата: 23-05-2024, 11:29 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, Oksana Koval, Director of the Education and Research Institute of Communications of West Ukrainian National University, paid a working visit to the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine in Kyiv and met with Kateryna Narovska, President of the NAMU. Anastasiia Martynevych, Coordinator of International Activities of the Institute, joined the conversation.

According to Kateryna, the main goal of the NAMU is to promote the establishment, use and dissemination of mediation as a special approach to conflict resolution in various spheres of life, to unite mediation specialists and develop the profession of mediator at the level of the best international standards, to protect the common interests of the association's members and to represent their interests in Ukraine and abroad.

During the conversation, the parties discussed the results of the discussion platform "Certification of Mediators: International Experience", which was held at WUNU with the participation of the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, the Netherlands Quality Foundation for Mediators SKM, the Council of Certified Mediators of Latvia, and the Georgian Mediators Association; identified further promising steps of cooperation, agreed on joint projects and studies, and talked about the role and importance of mediation as a modern and civilised method of dispute resolution.

A memorandum of cooperation with the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine is to be signed shortly, and joint trips and events are planned.