» » International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues and Integration Trends in the Development of the Hospitality Industry and International Business"

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Current Issues and Integration Trends in the Development of the Hospitality Industry and International Business"

Дата: 27-05-2024, 13:57 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On 24-26 May 2024, at the initiative of the Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Business of the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Education and Research Institute of International Relations, an International Scientific and Practical Conference on modern vectors of the hospitality industry and international business was held.

The conference was held at a modern hotel and restaurant complex in the Carpathian Mountains.

The conference was opened by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research of WUNU, Doctor of Law, Associate Professor Uliana Koruts, who wished the participants a constructive dialogue and new, interesting ideas. Maksym Zhyvko, Acting Director of Institute, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, wished the participants a fruitful discussion. Oksana Huhul, Head of the Department of International Tourism and Hospitality Business, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, outlined the integration directions of the hospitality industry.

The plenary session of the conference brought together leading scholars, experts and business representatives from Ukraine, the USA, Georgia and Ecuador to discuss topical issues and challenges of the hospitality industry.

Olesia Okarynska, Director of M&C Mixology Bar Manager at Lederman Caterers (USA), outlined innovative approaches to running a catering business in the United States. Irena Gavasheli, Manager of the Career Development Centre at the University of Business and Technology (Tbilisi, Georgia), introduced the conference participants to the famous tourist attractions of Georgia. Joanna Argüello, a 2018 graduate of WUNU and founder of Negocios Conscientes (Quito, Ecuador), spoke about the synthesis of business processes and digital technologies in Ecuador. John Argüello, a 2020 graduate of WUNU, entrepreneur, athlete (Quito, Ecuador), noted the prospects for adventure tourism in Ecuador and the world. Yurii Frolov, an entrepreneur, investor, and partner of the American charity WCK in Ternopil region, spoke about hospitality in the current state of war and combat teams.

During the sectional sessions, scholars, students and practitioners presented a number of reports and case studies on various aspects of the hospitality industry and international business.

The conference was attended by more than 100 participants who actively discussed and exchanged views in the following sections:
Tourism 4.0: innovative strategies to attract tourists.
Hotel and restaurant industry of the future: scientific and practical horizons.
International business in search of new opportunities in Ukraine.

The conference will result in the preparation of recommendations for an "innovation revolution" in the hospitality industry and the effectiveness of using the latest business tools in the management of a modern enterprise.