» » The staff of the Law Faculty of West Ukrainian National University handed over 20 FPV drones to Ukrainian defenders

The staff of the Law Faculty of West Ukrainian National University handed over 20 FPV drones to Ukrainian defenders

Дата: 27-05-2024, 14:31 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Recently, the faculty and students of the Law Faculty of West Ukrainian National University donated 20 FPV drones to the Ukrainian military.

"Recognising how important quadcopters are in modern warfare, we are joining our efforts to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine by purchasing much-needed technical equipment. Drones are the "eyes" of the Ukrainian military, helping them to perform combat missions and bring the long-awaited moment closer for every Ukrainian."

"We are convinced that victory is a goal that we need to work towards together, co-operating our efforts. I am grateful to all the teachers, students, and benefactors who contributed to the fundraising," said the Dean of the Law Faculty Serhii Banakh.
