» » A modern spectrophotometer was gifted to WUNU staff

A modern spectrophotometer was gifted to WUNU staff

Дата: 27-05-2024, 15:00 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 With the assistance of Agricon-Pivden LLC and Western Ukrainian Innovation Hub LLC, a modern spectrophotometer for measuring chemical contamination in water, soil and vegetation was delivered to the staff of West Ukrainian National University.

Speaking to the staff of WUNU, Oleksandr Klak, Head of Sales and Marketing at Agricon-Pivden, and Serhii Hroshko, Head of Sales at Agricon-Pivden, said: "Practical skills are very important for professionals, so we are happy to support the youth and the teaching staff of your university in their quest for scientific development."

Thanking the partners, the Rector of WUNU Oksana Desyatnyuk said: "The spectrophotometer will contribute to the implementation of experimental projects of the Education and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure of WUNU. Now our students and teachers will have a unique opportunity to improve the environmental monitoring of the university campus, and will be able to assess the pollution of water, plants, and soil, including the presence of heavy metals."

Leonid Bytsyura, Acting Head of the Department of Ecology and Health of the ERIINMI, outlined the main areas of work of the training laboratory of chemical analysis and environmental research, which operates at West Ukrainian National University, and focused on the introduction of new methods and practices in research. He assured everyone that starting from September, the students will be analysing the campus pollution.