» » WUNU employees purchased 15 drones for the defenders!

WUNU employees purchased 15 drones for the defenders!

Дата: 28-05-2024, 14:41 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Russia's full-scale war against our country continues, and only together can we survive, because Ukrainians are strong in unity, strong in resilience, and strong in faith, which gives us confidence in the future.

The faculty and staff of West Ukrainian National University have once again consolidated their efforts for Ukraine's victory over the aggressor and raised funds to purchase 15 FPV drones, which play a critical role, change the battlefield and reconnaissance parameters, and open up new tactical and strategic opportunities. All the quadcopters and the batteries, dryers, camouflage nets and hygiene products purchased will be delivered to the soldiers at the front.

"The military needs our help, so we must remain united and support those who defend each of us every day, protect our land from the occupier and stand firmly on the frontline. Let these "birds" contribute to the Victory!" - said Ruslan Brukhansky, chairman of the trade union committee of WUNU employees.

We are grateful to everyone who works, donates, and stands with us in this difficult time!

We are invincible!

Glory to Ukraine!