» » Environmental awareness campaign "Preserving Memory, Decorating the City!"

Environmental awareness campaign "Preserving Memory, Decorating the City!"

Дата: 3-06-2024, 12:36 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Without traditions, there is no culture, and without culture, there is no nation.

The youth of West Ukrainian National University not only thrive creatively, but also actively participate in the preservation and restoration of cultural monuments.

The artists of WUNU join the events organised and conducted by the Taras Shevchenko All-Ukrainian Society "Prosvita". Recently, they joined the implementation of the eco-educational campaign "Preserving Memory, Decorating the City!"

Our caring students, together with the youth of the city, cleaned and planted flowers in the park where a monument to the unsurpassed Ukrainian director, actor, playwright, founder of the Young Theatre and the Berezil Theatre in Ternopil - Les Kurbas - will be erected.

We wish young men and women to always have their hearts open for good deeds, to respect and promote everything Ukrainian!