» » New WUNU Doctor Honoris Causa

New WUNU Doctor Honoris Causa

Дата: 24-04-2024, 13:16 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 For his significant personal contribution to the development of education and science, increasing the intellectual capacity of Ukraine, and reinforcing the reputation of West Ukrainian National University in the international arena, Carsten Wolff, Professor of the Dortmund University of Applied Sciences and Arts, founder and director of the Institute for Digital Transformation of Applied and Living Domains in Dortmund, Doctor of Engineering, was awarded the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of West Ukrainian National University.

The Chairman of the Academic Council, Doctor of Economics, Professor Andriy Krysovatyy, presented Carsten Wolff with diplomas and a gown. The students performed the Gaudeamus igitur and congratulated the guest of honour.

Addressing the staff of WUNU, Carsten Wolff said: "I am convinced that the cooperation between Ukraine and Germany will continue to be fruitful and develop for the benefit of the future of our countries and West Ukrainian National University!"