» » Soldiers of the 42nd Separate Mechanized Brigade thanked WUNU!

Soldiers of the 42nd Separate Mechanized Brigade thanked WUNU!

Дата: 4-06-2024, 13:25 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Colonel Vadym Lastovytskyi, head of the Ternopil Vocational College with Enhanced Military and Physical Training, visited West Ukrainian National University.

Meeting with the Rector of West Ukrainian National University Oksana Desyatnyuk, he delivered a flag and a message of appreciation from the 42nd separate mechanised brigade of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the comprehensive support and volunteer assistance provided by the faculty, students and staff of WUNU to the defenders.

During the conversation, prof. Desyatnyuk noted: "We must not forget about those who fight for us and Ukraine every day. Only together can we bring the Victory closer!"
Glory to Ukraine!