» » Interactive educational and practical event "Diplomatic Lviv: Places, People, Projects"

Interactive educational and practical event "Diplomatic Lviv: Places, People, Projects"

Дата: 6-06-2024, 13:53 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students and the Head of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Institute of International Relations, at the invitation of Vasyl Hulai, Head of the Department of International Information of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Basic Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University, and Associate Professor Vira Maksymets, took part in an interactive educational and practical excursion "Diplomatic Lviv: Places, People, Projects", conducted by Associate Professor of the Department of International Information of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Liubomyr Khakhula.

The main focus of the event was on the milestone events that occurred in the city and had a significant impact on the course of Ukrainian and global socio-political developments.

At Lviv Regional Military Administration, Oksana Tulai, WUNU Head of the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy, and Vasyl Hulai met with Andrii Hrushko - a representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in Lviv, to discuss the issue of internships for students of the International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies study programme.

The participants of the excursion implemented mini-projects to create a database of diplomatic visitors to the city of Lviv since the declaration of Ukraine's independence, using the event analysis methodology.

Olha Lebedovych, a student of the MVSK-21 group, comments: "I was deeply impressed by the study trip to Lviv. Walking through the narrow streets of the city, we had the opportunity to learn interesting stories of our diplomatic heritage. I was particularly impressed by the stories of Mykola Lemyk, who assassinated the Soviet consul in Lviv, and Myroslav Sichynskyi, who killed the governor of Galicia, Andrzej Potocki. We were told about diplomatic marriages, including the union of Constance of Hungary and Lev Danylovych, as well as about the outstanding lawyer Raphael Lemkin, who went down in history for his work in international law. All these stories made me feel part of the events and transported me back in time. In addition, we learnt about the possibility of an internship at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, which inspired me to strive for improvement and further development in the field of international relations."