» » Students of WUNU organised "Free and Unconquered" campaign for the second time

Students of WUNU organised "Free and Unconquered" campaign for the second time

Дата: 5-06-2024, 14:17 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Three blue and yellow flags with the names of Ukrainian cities were installed at the Liberty Square at the initiative of West Ukrainian National University students: one for Lyman, one for Avdiivka, and one for Siversk.

The young men and women of WUNU are holding the Free and Unconquered campaign for the second time, as they aim to remind their countrymen of the settlements of Ukraine where the fiercest battles are taking place.

Speaking about the idea, Mykhailo Prokopiv, chairman of the University Student Council, said: "We must remember our occupied Ukrainian cities, the people who live under fire every day and suffer from the Russian aggressor. The installed blue and yellow flags are symbols of defiance, steadfastness and faith in our Victory!"

The students plan to continue organising such events and call on society to support the military and civilians.

Anton Shevchuk, chairman of the student trade union committee of WUNU, said: "Our actions are aimed at informing the public about the situation at the front, the contact line, and the occupied territories, and to involve as many people as possible in the fight and volunteering!"