» » International round table "International cooperation in the context of global challenges"

International round table "International cooperation in the context of global challenges"

Дата: 26-04-2024, 12:47 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, the International Roundtable "International Cooperation in the Face of Global Challenges" was held at West Ukrainian National University, attended by more than 100 scientists, educators, public figures, and young scientists from Ukraine, Poland, Germany, the USA, the UK, Italy, Kazakhstan, and Moldova.

The event was co-organised by the S.I. Yuriy Department of Finance and the Economic Policy Research Circle of the University of Gdańsk.

The international roundtable is a platform for the exchange of views and ideas that will help strengthen ties and develop strategies for joint action between scientists, institutions and organisations in the face of threats and challenges of our time. Ukraine is facing issues that require responsible decision-making. We are at war, and this is a difficult period for every Ukrainian. However, even in these difficult times, we must keep faith in the future, in a victory where our country can once again develop and prosper. That is why this discussion on international cooperation is extremely important, as we must look for effective ways to solve problems together with the international community.

The roundtable was opened by Uliana Koruts, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Research (International Relations), who said: "Dear guests and colleagues! International cooperation is essential in today's environment. We face the challenge of finding common solutions at the global level to ensure sustainable and balanced development of the world. Countries must work together, sharing experience, resources and technologies to solve problems more effectively. I wish everyone a fruitful dialogue and new ideas!"

Andriy Kizyma, Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Accounting, noted that such communication formats provide a platform for open discussion, exchange of ideas and search for common solutions. These events, he said, not only help to attract a variety of specialists, but also stimulate the cooperation between states, international organisations and the public to solve complex problems.

President of the Minnesota Academy of Ophthalmology, Medical Director and Chairman of the Board of the Mankato Surgery Centre, leading ophthalmologist at Mankato Clinic Eye Care Centre Natalia Danylkova joined the discussion and told the audience about the work of public figures, fellow doctors and the Ukrainian community in America, cohesion in volunteer activities, and assistance to Ukrainians and the Armed Forces of Ukraine since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion. Natalia wished the participants fruitful work and interesting ideas during the roundtable, assured them of her personal support and future cooperation within the framework of the International Discussion Platform. Zoriana Holovata, a public figure and head of the expert group on cognitive management at the Ukrainian Political Science Association, also conveyed her regards to the participants.

The roundtable continued with a variety of reports. At the end of the roundtable, all participants voted in support of the resolution, unanimously declaring their agreement to establish an International Discussion Platform that will operate on a permanent basis.