» » Employees of the Ternopil Regional Centre for Social Services developed stress resistance at the Education and Research Centre for Social and Psychological Support and Resilience of WUNU

Employees of the Ternopil Regional Centre for Social Services developed stress resistance at the Education and Research Centre for Social and Psychological Support and Resilience of WUNU

Дата: 14-06-2024, 15:30 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 In today's world, where crises and stressful situations are becoming part of everyday life, it is especially important to be able to effectively overcome difficulties. To this end, employees of the Ternopil Regional Centre of Social Services took part in special training sessions aimed at developing stress resistance.

The training was conducted by Tetiana Nadvynychna, a practical psychologist at the centre and a trainer at the Israel Trauma Coalition in UA. The participants had the opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and skills in psychological self-help and first aid for others. This included both theoretical aspects and practical exercises to help effectively manage stress and stay calm in the most difficult situations.

The training focused on preventing professional burnout. Working in the field of social services, employees often face emotionally draining situations. Therefore, the ability to recognise the signs of burnout and take timely measures to prevent it is extremely important.

In addition, the training participants discussed ways of finding their own resource channels - the sources of energy and inspiration that help them to regain strength and maintain a high level of professional efficiency.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the participants for their engagement and interest in improving their skills. We wish you to remain stress-resistant and self-confident, as the well-being of many people depends on your stability and professionalism.