» » The cooperation between West Ukrainian National University and Inholland University of Applied Sciences is one of the best in Europe!

The cooperation between West Ukrainian National University and Inholland University of Applied Sciences is one of the best in Europe!

Дата: 30-04-2024, 14:07 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The European Commission has noted the quality of the ERASMUS+ KA107 academic mobility project between the Inholland University of Applied Sciences and West Ukrainian National University, coordinated by the Department of International Economic Relations of WUNU.

The European Commission has recently published a ranking of 15 Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects supporting people affected by the war, Building Hope: Europe's Solidarity with Ukraine.

The Erasmus+ cooperation between the Inholland University of Applied Sciences (the Netherlands) and West Ukrainian National University (Ukraine) was included in the ranking.

The European Commission noted that this cooperation, by providing 43 grants, contributed to supporting Ukrainian students and staff affected by the war in Ukraine who were able to continue their studies in the Netherlands under the Erasmus+ programme.

Thank you for the recognition!

Let's expand opportunities together!


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