» » Semester studies at the Poznan University of Economics and Business!

Semester studies at the Poznan University of Economics and Business!

Дата: 30-04-2024, 18:15 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Ukrainian-Polish Programme of the Bohdan Havrylyshyn Institute of International Relations of West Ukrainian National University announces a call for applications for semester studies in 2024-2025 at the Poznan University of Economics and Business.

Please send your documents to the programme coordinator Olha Nipialidi.

The required set of documents:

application form;
a copy of the individual curriculum (transcript of records);
a copy of the foreign passport (if available).

The application deadline is 31 May 2024.

For more information, please call: 0989254375 or send an e-mail to uapl.prog@wunu.edu.ua