» » Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Communication as a Factor of Transparency of Social Interaction: Psychological, Historical, Legal, Economic and Political Dimensions"

Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Communication as a Factor of Transparency of Social Interaction: Psychological, Historical, Legal, Economic and Political Dimensions"

Дата: 2-05-2024, 14:29 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Communication as a Factor of Transparency of Social Interaction: Psychological, Historical, Legal, Economic and Political Dimensions" will be held at West Ukrainian National University on 9-10 May 2024.

The organisers - WUNU's Education and Research Institute of Communications, the National Mediation and Reconciliation Service, and the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine.

Conference areas:

Platform 1: International partnerships and communication in the modern globalised world.

Platform 2. Theory and practice of political, diplomatic, military, trade and crisis negotiations.

Platform 3. Mediation institute: Ukrainian realities and foreign experience.

Platform 4. Psychological and legal foundations of a culture of tolerant interaction.

The programme of scientific and practical platforms will continue with discussion panels. The discussion panels will be led by Ukrainian and foreign scholars and practitioners.

The event will bring together researchers and practitioners from 25 countries and 83 universities and institutions.

Detailed information is in the attached programme.


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