» » WUNU ranks 37th in the university ranking according to Scopus indicators

WUNU ranks 37th in the university ranking according to Scopus indicators

Дата: 2-05-2024, 19:23 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Osvita.ua has published an annual ranking of Ukrainian higher education institutions based on the data from the Scopus scientometric database. West Ukrainian National University has risen in the ranking and is now 37th among 214 universities in Ukraine.

The ranking is based on the citation rates of scientific articles published by educational institutions or their staff and was created based on the results of scientometric monitoring of Ukrainian research and publishing entities according to the SciVerse Scopus database in April 2024.

The Scopus database continuously indexes more than 25,000 periodicals and non-periodical scientific publications in the technical and medical sciences, as well as the humanities. This database includes publications of scientific journals, conference proceedings, book editions, etc.

In the ranking table, Ukrainian universities are listed by the Hirsch index, a quantitative indicator based on the number of scientific publications and the number of citations.