» » Students of the FSSH raised funds for wounded Heroes!

Students of the FSSH raised funds for wounded Heroes!

Дата: 3-05-2024, 20:08 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On the eve of Easter, students of the Department of Psychology and Social Work of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of WUNU visited wounded soldiers in hospitals in Ternopil.

To organise the campaign, future social workers raised UAH 10,000, which was spent on purchasing essentials and goodies for Easter. There were also some pleasant surprises! Each soldier received a delicious sweet Easter cake from the head of the Velyka Beresovytsa family bakery, Svitlana. Our defenders are especially grateful to her, because the Easter cake reminded everyone of the Easter celebration in the family circle, at a bountiful table under a peaceful sky...

During their visit to the hospital, the students met the hospital's medical staff and learnt about the special needs of the wounded soldiers. They also had the opportunity to talk to the defenders themselves. Many of the young people interacted with the heroes who had directly participated in the fighting for the first time. The experience made a lasting impression on the future social workers, and visiting wounded soldiers in hospital wards was an important and unforgettable learning opportunity for the young people and highlighted the importance of psychology and social work.

The soldiers, in turn, were touched by the care and attention of the students and sincerely thanked them for their support.

No student or teacher of the FSSH remained idle during the Easter fundraising campaign for the wounded Heroes undergoing rehabilitation in hospitals in Ternopil region. We thank everyone who joined the campaign!

Special thanks to the following students for organising and conducting the campaign: Hryhorii Kruk (group SR-21); Dmytro Matychak (group SR-21); Solomiia Sobchuk (group SR-31), Daria Kovalchuk (group SR-31); Alina Karpiuk (group SR-22) and Khrystyna Kapshii (group SR-21).