» » Gala dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance

Gala dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance

Дата: 19-06-2024, 12:41 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Today is a significant date for West Ukrainian National University. It marks the 55th anniversary of the founding of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance at the Faculty of Finance and Accounting of WUNU.

A gala was held to celebrate the occasion; it was attended by distinguished guests: renowned scientists, economists, representatives of local authorities and regional administration, partners and alumni of the department, stakeholders, and those who laid the foundation for the department.

Welcoming the participants, the Chairman of the Academic Council, Head of the S.I. Yuriy Finance Department of wUNU Andriy Krysovatyy said: "Dear friends and colleagues! Today marks the 55th anniversary of the founding of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance of West Ukrainian National University.

At the time of establishment of the Department of Financial Disciplines in 1969, its staff consisted of 9 people, including 3 PhDs (O. Pekun, V. Vykhrushch, V. Hahlazov), and was formed by invited young PhDs in Economics from higher education institutions in Kyiv and Odesa and practicing financiers from other cities. Today, the Department has 12 Doctors of Sciences, Professors and 24 PhDs in Economics, Associate Professors, 5 Lecturers, 4 Doctoral Candidates, 85 Postgraduate students, 2 Engineers, 1 Economist, including: 2 Honoured Workers of Science and Technology of Ukraine, 3 Honoured Workers of Education of Ukraine, 1 Honorary Professor of the University, 3 Full Members of the Academy of Economic Sciences.

The S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance is a close-knit team of like-minded people, highly qualified and patriotic specialists, experts in their field, who are confidently marching towards the future.

The anniversary of the founding of S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance proves that the legacy left by the scientists, despite the passage of time and the derisive challenges of fashion, does not go to dust or grow stale.

The Rector of WUNU Oksana Desyatnyuk addressed the celebrants: "Celebrating memorable dates is a good tradition that allows us not only to go back in time, to relive the brightest moments of the journey, but also to look into the future with the hope of fulfilling our most cherished dreams.

Over the years, the department, known both in Ukraine and abroad, has travelled a path full of difficulties and victories, making a significant contribution to the development of economic education in Ukraine. Different times came and went: the strategy, the team, the facilities changed, but the values and priorities remained constant.

Over the years, you have trained hundreds of highly qualified specialists and scientists who work in all parts of our country and are known in many places around the world. I thank each of you for your diligent work at the department, dedication to students and love for the university.

I am convinced that the staff of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance will continue to advance science and contribute to the development of Ukrainian higher education. I hope that the fire of enthusiasm and zeal in your heart will never die out, and that your soul will be warmed by the gratitude for the good deeds done on your native Ukrainian land!"

During the celebrations, the faculty and staff of the department received letters of commendation, certificates and awards in recognition of their outstanding professionalism and scientific achievements. It is gratifying that the achievements of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance are appreciated by the public.

Today's gala is a salute to all those who have joined our great financial school in Ternopil.

Viva professors! Viva University!