» » Staff of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance purchased an ambulance for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Staff of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance purchased an ambulance for the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Дата: 19-06-2024, 14:01 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Today, the staff of the S. I. Yuriy Department of Finance celebrates its 55th anniversary of foundation. However, the faculty never forgets that we are able to live on our native land thanks to the valour of our defenders.

That is why, in order to express their gratitude to the troops who are currently defending Ukraine and ensuring our safe rear, the scientists raised funds and purchased an ambulance for the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which was handed over to one of the military units.

Andriy Krysovatyy, Chairman of the Academic Council, Head of the Department, addressed the crowd and said:

"Thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine - the newest heroes, including students, graduates and employees of our university, we remain confident in the future, dedicated to our work and united in our desire to support and defend our ideals and values. I thank each of you for supporting the Armed Forces of Ukraine and for your hard work for the benefit of the University. Our strength is in unity and cohesion for the sake of victory, for the sake of the future!"

The Rector of WUNU, Oksana Desyatnyuk, thanked the staff for their active volunteer work and strong national pride, and added:

"We plan our day and go to work thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We must not forget about it today. Every contribution you make, every good deed done for our defenders makes us more confident in the future and brings us closer to victory."