» » WUNU is ranked 14th in the TOP-200 Ukraine 2024 rating

WUNU is ranked 14th in the TOP-200 Ukraine 2024 rating

Дата: 21-06-2024, 12:39 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Centre for International Projects "Euroeducation" in partnership with the international group of experts IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence presented the eighteenth academic ranking of Ukrainian higher education institutions "Top 200 Ukraine 2024".

This year, West Ukrainian National University was ranked 14th among 200 universities in Ukraine, having risen 7 positions.

When compiling the ranking, experts took into account current trends in higher education, which is undergoing profound changes in the course of reforms and heavy losses as a result of Russia's full-scale military invasion of Ukraine.

The academic staff of West Ukrainian National University works hard to achieve results, demonstrates quality performance, leadership and professionalism, despite the challenges of today.

Congratulations to the university community on their significant achievement! We wish you new achievements!

The rating is available here: https://euroosvita.net/index.php/?category=1&id=8252