» » Europe Day for students of the International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies study programme

Europe Day for students of the International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies study programme

Дата: 10-05-2024, 12:31 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The Europe Day for students of the International Relations, Public Communications and Regional Studies study programme began with a special lecture by the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in Ternopil, Yaroslav Vizniak, which was held as part of the course "Theory of International Relations".

The highlight of the day was a visit to the Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Ternopil and a meeting with the Honorary Consul, Mrs Tetiana Chubak.

The students were happy to share their impressions.

Viktoriia Oleksovych, student of the MVSK-12 group: "For me, the meeting at the Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Ternopil was a memorable and exciting event. I got a unique opportunity to expand my knowledge of Hungary, its culture and cooperation with Ukraine. 

Opening up the world of Hungarian art for us, the Honorary Consul Tetiana Chubak showed us paintings and icons of famous Hungarian artists and shared interesting facts about their work and history. We saw an impressive number of photographs and videos that testified to the diverse activities of the Honorary Consulate. I will also always remember Ms Tetyana saying that "whoever does not know history is condemned to repeat its mistakes and become a victim of deception in the modern world". Thus, it is very important to know about the past in order to avoid similar mistakes in the future and to better understand current challenges and circumstances."

Vasyl Hordetskyi, a student of the MVSK-12 group: "Together with other students and teachers, I visited the Honorary Consulate of Hungary in Ternopil. At the meeting, we were told about the cultural characteristics, history, prominent figures and prospects for cooperation between our countries. It was the first time I visited such an institution and I was interested in learning more about what goes on inside. The Consulate is staffed by smart and positive people. The discussion was pleasant, useful and instructive. I gained invaluable knowledge. Representatives of the Consulate actively engage in social and volunteer activities, do a lot to better acquaint Ukrainians with the culture of the neighbouring country. They also put a lot of effort into organising trips to Hungary for war victims to recuperate or receive treatment. Many of our wounded soldiers went there for rehabilitation after their injuries with the help of the consulate staff. I was most impressed by the fact that, despite their main job, these people have enough time and energy for such activities."

Alina Krymchuk, student of the MVSKm-11 group: "I am always happy to participate in such events, because it is interesting to listen and learn from professionals who have extensive experience in their field and sincerely share it with students. It is at such meetings that you can get answers to questions that you will never find in manuals or textbooks. At the Honorary Consulate of Hungary, I learnt a lot of new things and looked at some issues from a different perspective. I am grateful to the university for such learning opportunities!"