» » The first international financial forum "Modern Finance: Global Challenges and Current Trends" has come to an end!

The first international financial forum "Modern Finance: Global Challenges and Current Trends" has come to an end!

Дата: 24-06-2024, 12:42 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The First International Financial Forum "Modern Finance: Global Challenges and Current Trends" was held on 19-23 June 2024, organised by the S.I. Yuriy Department of Finance of West Ukrainian National University in cooperation with the Academy of Financial Management of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the Ukrainian-American Association of College Educators. The scientists and educators, practitioners, government officials, and international partners exchanged their experience and opinions on current issues and prospects for the development of the financial sector.

On the second day of the forum, the participants had the opportunity to learn about the management experience of the Gadz farm of the Trybukhivtsi territorial community. After visiting the 600-hectare orchard of the Gadz farm, the scientists talked to the head of the farm, Petro Gadz, who spoke about the company's development, achievements and threats in the current economy. The Q&A format of the meeting was very engaging and interesting.

The third day of the forum began with the discussion platform "Security Aspects of the National Financial System in the Context of Global Instability", moderated by Doctor of Economics, Professor, member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, President of the Academy of Financial Management Tetiana Yefymenko and Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Tax Management and Financial Monitoring of the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University Liudmyla Lovinska. In their report "Analysis of security risks in the use of cryptocurrency mining in money laundering operations and prospects for overcoming them", Tetiana Dmytrenko, PhD, senior researcher of the Academy of Financial Management, and Valeriia Volkova, PhD student of the Academy of Financial Management, focused the forum participants' attention on important characteristics of cryptocurrency mining, cyber attacks, and the virtual asset market sector. Doctor of Economics, Professor of WUNU Oleksandra Vasylchyshyn and PhD in Law, Associate Professor of WUNU Tetiana Babkova familiarized the participants with the topic "Financial state security under martial law". Liudmyla Lovinska, Doctor of Economics, Professor at the Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, presented a report on the development of human resources for financial monitoring as a prerequisite for Ukraine's financial security. No less important was the presentation by Liudmyla Oleinikova, Doctor of Economics, Senior Research Fellow at the Academy of Financial Management, on international experience in taxation of small businesses: conclusions for Ukraine. In her speech, she outlined the main problems in business. Olena Ptashchenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor of WUNU, spoke about the transformation of the financial system in the digital economy: security and inclusion. The forum and discussions were also attended by the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Croatia in the Western Region, Vitalii Zapukhliak. Discussion Platform 3 was concluded by British negotiation expert Paul Fisher, Director of the Oxford Negotiation Programme (OPN) and Professor at Saïd Business School.

The participants continued the discussion during the next platform "Personal Finances, Households and Labour Supply", which was moderated by Mykola Kyzym, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Research, Economics and Strategic Development of the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine (2020-2021), and Olha Kyrylenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor of WUNU.

Mykola Kyzym focused on the labour market of Ukraine in the wartime and post-war periods, demographic challenges and threats of today, long-term trends in the socio-economic development of Ukraine, priority sectors of economic development, and the theoretical basis for Ukraine overcoming the trap of retrogression. The report of Anna Kotsiurubenko and Maria Iorhachova, PhD in Economics, associate professors of ONEU, on the financial basis of human capital development under martial law was very informative. Steve Alban Tineo, CEO of Assertive Group, joined the discussion. He spoke about the impact of human emotions on behaviour during negotiations in finance, investment and politics.

The fruitful discussions of the forum participants helped to find new, progressive approaches and identify current trends and global challenges in finance, share experiences and best practices for Ukraine's development and economic growth. Based on the results of their work, educators, scientists and experts will formulate an analytical note that will be sent to the Minister of Finance of Ukraine for consideration.

Each participant also received a certificate and a gift - a textbook "Finance" edited by Andriy Krysovatyy, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the S.I. Yuriy Department of Finance, Chairman of the Academic Council of WUNU.

We work together to develop the financial system and strengthen Ukraine's economy!