» » Build stress resistance with the specialists of the Education and Research Centre for Social and Psychological Support and Resilience!

Build stress resistance with the specialists of the Education and Research Centre for Social and Psychological Support and Resilience!

Дата: 27-06-2024, 13:22 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 How to act in a stressful situation, to be calm and confident in this difficult time? Today, everyone needs to know this. We will teach you how to cope with negative emotions and help others.

The Education and Research Centre for Social and Psychological Support and Resilience was established at West Ukrainian National University with the support of the Israel Trauma Coalition and the Jewish Federations of North America.

The Israel Trauma Coalition is an association of non-governmental organisations with many years of experience in providing psychosocial support to people affected by various kinds of disasters, including war.

The centre's goal is to build stress resilience in individuals and communities in various fields of activity.

The centre works according to Israeli methods, but with due regard to the Ukrainian context.

The Centre implements training programmes for:

- practicing psychologists

- teachers

- social workers

- medical professionals

- other people in the social sector.

Tasks of the centre:

- conducting training sessions;

- counselling;

- raising public awareness;

- involvement of scientists and other experts in cooperation;

- cooperation with NGOs.

ICT training programmes are aimed at developing skills and competencies in self-help, first aid and emotional support for victims of traumatic events and stressful situations.

The training course covers the stages of a person's living in a stressful situation, the main reactions to traumatic events, analyses the basic principles of interaction with a person who has experienced trauma, examines the basic techniques of first aid protocols, recovery and resilience, ways to prevent and reduce the symptoms of burnout, compassion fatigue and secondary traumatisation.

The acquired knowledge and skills will help you to take care of your mental health, develop your own stress resistance, apply various techniques for relieving emotional stress and build psychological resilience in your professional activities.

Upon completion of the training, participants receive certificates.

Oksana Shandruk, Director of Centre, notes: "In times of war, our psyche is the most vulnerable, so everyone needs support, regardless of gender, age, or social status. Our specialists are working on psychosocial support for everyone who is experiencing exhaustion, devastation, fatigue, anxiety and panic. Together we will learn to go through life's trials, preserving and restoring mental health and personal integrity, taking care of ourselves so that we have the strength to work and live. I am convinced that by joining forces, we will survive and win!"

Contact information of the Centre:

11 Lvivska st., Ternopil, office 1004-1006


e-mail: rescen@wunu.edu.ua 
