Дата: 1-07-2024, 10:47 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 From 17 to 21 June, a summer youth camp "Smart Camp" was organised for students majoring in Agronomy, Ecological Safety and Environmental Protection, Tourism, Transport Technologies, as well as Food Technologies within the framework of the Jean Monnet Module, Erasmus (Project 101085642 - SSEPRDS - ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH "Smart Specialisation: European experience in regional development strategy"). The organiser - Education and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure of WUNU.

The Smart Camp is designed to give participants the opportunity to immerse themselves in the subject of Smart specialisation, gain practical skills and knowledge, and broaden their horizons and professional contacts.

The opening of the summer camp began with a welcome speech by Vasyl Brych, Director of the Education and Research Institute of Innovation, Nature Management and Infrastructure. He spoke about the importance of promoting and implementing European experience and a new approach of Smart specialisation, which focuses on the use of unique resources and potential for each region of Ukraine. He wished the event success, constructive discussions and creative results.

The project coordinator, professor of the Department of Business Analytics and Innovation Engineering Petro Putsenteilo and project expert, deputy director for project activities of the Institute Serhii Hunko also made a statement. They expressed their gratitude to our European partners and experts who share their experience and knowledge. The coordinator also added that while at the camp, students will have the opportunity to participate in lectures, panel discussions and workshops. An important part of the agenda is teamwork, so participants will be able to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice and present their projects.

Next, project expert, Associate Professor Uliana Tkach gave a lecture on Examples of Successful Smart Specialisation in Europe and in Ukraine. While demonstrating the material, the speaker discussed in detail the benefits of Smart specialisation for the development of Ukrainian regions. She noted that the Smart specialisation strategy is a powerful tool for stimulating regional development in Ukraine. The concept allows for the efficient use of available resources, attracting investment and promoting innovation, which ultimately leads to sustainable economic growth and improved quality of life. A particularly interesting aspect of the lecture was a video demo showing successful examples of the Smart Specialisation concept in Ukraine, such as IT and creative businesses in Lviv, agriculture enterprises in Vinnytsia region and biotech in Kyiv region.

Oleksandr Bondar, associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Health of WUNU, also joined the summer camp. He emphasised the similarities between the concept of environmental solutions and the Smart Specialisation strategy. Both of these concepts are aimed at sustainable regional development and improving the quality of life of the population. They combine resources to preserve natural resources and create cost-effective, environmentally friendly and socially responsible solutions. The use of environmentally friendly technologies and the implementation of circular economy principles can become part of smart specialisation, which helps to reduce the negative impact on the environment.

The results of the Smart Summer Camp exceeded all expectations, demonstrating the strong engagement, creativity and professionalism of the students. During the camp, participants actively worked on various projects that reflected modern approaches to Smart specialisation and innovative development.

Here are some of the key outcomes and projects presented by the students: the Agro-Innovations project: creating modern agri-parks using the latest technologies to increase productivity and environmental sustainability; the Green Energy project: developing strategies for the introduction of renewable energy sources to ensure the region's energy independence; the SmartEducation project: introducing the latest technologies into the educational process to ensure access to quality education in remote regions; the CommunityWellness initiative: creation of mental and physical health support programmes for different age groups; the Tourism without Borders project: development of tourist routes for the most demanding traveller.

Thus, the Smart Summer Camp was an important step in preparing young professionals for the challenges of the modern world, contributing to the development of their professional skills and innovative thinking.

The project is funded by the European Union. However, the views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the grantor can be held responsible for them.