» » WUNU students took part in the International Interdisciplinary Forum of Science Clubs in Poland

WUNU students took part in the International Interdisciplinary Forum of Science Clubs in Poland

Дата: 2-07-2024, 12:14 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 Students of the Department of Financial Control and Audit of WUNU under the guidance of the Head of the Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor Mykhailo Luchko took part in the International Interdisciplinary Forum of Science Clubs, which was held in Poland by Olsztyn University.

Vladyslav MEDVID, 2nd year student, made a presentation "Ukraine's economy during the war: analysis of trends" (in English). In his report, Vladyslav covered the complex issues of the current war economy: the labour market, expectations of business and civil society from the war economy, the tax system, financial assistance to Ukraine from international institutions, exports and imports in times of war, the energy sector, inflation and the banking sector.

Maksym BRUNARSKYI, a student of the OADFKm-11 group, delivered a report on Audit activities in the context of digitalisation (in English). Maksym's report outlined the following issues: the impact of technology on audit, cybersecurity and audit, data integrity and quality, best practices in remote audit, ethical issues and cooperation between auditors and IT professionals.

All the participants and organisers of the Olsztyn University event were pleasantly surprised by the level of preparation of our students and their knowledge of specialised subjects and English.

More details about the event here: https://www.osw.edu.pl/miedzynarodowe-interdyscyplinarne-forum-kol-naukowych-2024/