» » WUNU ranks 14th in the consolidated ranking of Ukrainian universities in 2024!

WUNU ranks 14th in the consolidated ranking of Ukrainian universities in 2024!

Дата: 4-07-2024, 12:37 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The educational information resource Osvita.ua has compiled a consolidated ranking of higher education institutions in Ukraine in 2024. West Ukrainian National University is ranked 14th out of 235 universities in Ukraine, moving up 4 positions.

To compile the consolidated ranking of higher education institutions in Ukraine, Osvita used data from the most reputable national rankings of Ukrainian educational institutions among experts and the media: "Top 200 Ukraine", "Scopus" and "NMT Score for Contract", each of which uses different evaluation criteria.

Congratulations to the academic staff and employees of West Ukrainian National University on this recognition and significant achievement! We work hard and well!

The rating is available here: https://osvita.ua/vnz/rating/51741/