» » International Conference of Young Scientists "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development"

International Conference of Young Scientists "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development"

Дата: 13-05-2024, 10:43 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The International Conference of Young Scientists "Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development" was held at West Ukrainian National University.

The event aimed to bring together young scientists from different parts of Ukraine and abroad to share their research findings and engage in lively discussions in Ternopil. For the first time, the conference united scientists to address the application of artificial intelligence to support sustainable development goals, including post-war reconstruction of Ukraine and the development of international cooperation of young scientists.

Mykola Dyvak, Vice-Rector for Research, opened the conference:

"Dear colleagues, dear participants!

I am sincerely pleased to welcome you at the international conference dedicated to the topic of Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development.

Today, in the 21st century, humanity is facing many global challenges: climate change, environmental pollution, poverty, hunger, disease, inequality, war... Solving these problems requires joint efforts of all mankind, search for new solutions and innovative approaches.

And artificial intelligence can be a powerful tool for achieving sustainable development. It has an inexhaustible potential that can help us optimise the use of resources; monitor and analyse data on energy, water, and resource consumption to use them more rationally and economically; increase efficiency in various areas; automate routine tasks and production processes, improve logistics and supply chains; develop new technologies; create new opportunities; stimulate economic growth, improve the quality of life... Of course, like any powerful technology, artificial intelligence needs to be used in a responsible way. We need to make sure that it is used for the benefit of people, not to their detriment.
It's important to remember that this is not a replacement for human intelligence, but a tool to complement it!"

Olesia Vashchuk, Chair of the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, also welcomed the participants.

The plenary session of the conference was opened by Professor Artur Rot of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. In his report "Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Applications", Professor Rot outlined the peculiarities of using the functional diversity of artificial intelligence in education, science, medicine, and technology. The professor paid special attention to the experience of sharing the results of research projects of the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business in the field of artificial intelligence.

A professor of civil law at the Jagiellonian University delivered a presentation on Digital Law of the European Union,

Fryderyk Zoll, Professor of Civil Law at the Jagiellonian University, Professor of European Private Law, Comparative Law and Polish Private Law at the Osnabrück University, WUNU Doctor Honoris Causa and member of the Supervisory Board, delivered a presentation on Digital Law of the European Union. The professor considered the problematic issues of regulating new digital legal relations by secondary EU law and outlined the directions of development of EU digital legislation.

The keynote speakers' presentations were highly interactive, stimulating scientific debate and analysis of research results among the participants.

Within the framework of the sectional sessions mart Technologies for Economics and Management, Innovations in Environmental Management and Infrastructure, Technological Innovations in Law and Social Development, and Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education, scholars from scientific institutions of both Ukraine and the world presented their reports.

The conference was moderated by Hanna Poperechna, Chair of the Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Candidates and Young Scientists of WUNU, and Oleh Pitsun, Secretary of the Scientific Society of Students, Postgraduates, Doctoral Candidates and Young Scientists of WUNU.

At the end of the conference, the best speakers were awarded with personalised certificates.

It is worth noting that conference proceedings were compiled and will be subjected to a peer review process for further inclusion in the Scopus scientometric database.

We thank the conference participants for their interesting presentations!