» » The second day and conclusion of the conference "Communication as a factor of transparency of social interaction"

The second day and conclusion of the conference "Communication as a factor of transparency of social interaction"

Дата: 14-05-2024, 20:39 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 The second day of the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Communication as a Factor of Transparency of Social Interaction: Psychological, Historical, Legal, Economic and Political Dimensions", organised by the Education and Research Institute of Communications of West Ukrainian National University in cooperation with the National Mediation and Reconciliation Service and the National Association of Mediators of Ukraine, was extremely eventful and productive.

The event was held in two formats: practice-oriented events, such as seminars, workshops, and a therapeutic circle, and parallel discussion platforms elected by the conference participants.

The key experts on the second day of the conference were:

Matthias Herter, former Head of Crisis Management and Negotiation at the Swiss Federal Police and the Police of the Canton of Bern, and former President of the European Network of Advisory Groups on Kidnapping, Hostage Taking and Extortion, who delivered a practical session entitled "When Words Save Lives - Lessons from Hostage Negotiations for Conflict and Crisis Management".

During the session, the speaker, based on his extensive experience in leading crisis management and negotiation units in various Swiss police structures, gave numerous examples of how to use language to reduce tension and stress, as well as to convince the other party of the need for concessions.

Steve Alban Tineo and Paul Fisher, guest lecturers at West Ukrainian National University, conducted a practice-oriented training "Turnkey Negotiation: From Self-Discovery to Mastery". Steve Tineo is the founder and CEO of the Assertive Group, a research and practice company for negotiation, facilitation, leadership and influence, and is a recognised expert in negotiation and mediation. He shared his knowledge and practical experience in effective communication and leadership with the participants.

Paul Fisher, Director of the Oxford Negotiation Programme and a member of the Oxford University Fellowship, presented his unique perspective on negotiation and communication in the modern world. His knowledge and experience complemented the practical aspect of the training and allowed the participants to gain a comprehensive view of this important topic. According to the expert, successful negotiations require not only professionalism, but also empathy, tolerance and flexibility. He emphasised the importance of the right approach to each case and understanding the specifics of a particular situation.

This training was especially valuable for the target audience - officers from the Main Department of the National Police in Zaporizhzhia and Ternopil regions. For police officers working in frontline areas and in the field of psychological assistance, participation in such events is essential to support and develop their skills in crisis negotiation and conflict resolution, given the difficulties in ensuring the protection of citizens' rights and freedoms, combating crime, maintaining public safety and conducting special operations. The information and experience gained will help to improve the professional performance of police officers and increase their readiness to deal with crisis situations.

The programme of the second day of the conference continued with discussion platforms moderated by Professor Jan van Zwieten, Professor Ihor Lishchynskyi, Professor Remigiusz Smolinski, Professor Justyna Krzywkowska, Associate Professor Maria Bryhadyr, certified mediator Oksana Tesla, students of the Negotiation and Mediation Programme Tetiana Morzhevska and Yevheniia Kapalkina, and practicing psychologists Diana Boiko and Solomiia Vershyhora.

The participants discussed international partnership and communications in today's globalised world; theory and practice of political, diplomatic, military, trade and crisis negotiations; the institution of mediation: Ukrainian realities and foreign experience; psychological and legal foundations of a culture of tolerant interaction.

The conference has ended, the discussions were fruitful and effective, the participants generated new thoughts and ideas, and considered ways of addressing the pressing issues of the day. A collection of abstracts has been published as a result of the conference and a collective monograph is being prepared for publication.

The conference organisers would like to express their gratitude to the administration and all involved structural units of West Ukrainian National University, all partners, speakers, participants, and translators of the event for their assistance in organising and conducting the 3rd International Scientific and Practical Conference "Communication as a Factor of Transparency of Social Interaction: Psychological, Historical, Legal, Economic and Political Dimensions".