» » I International scientific and practical multidisciplinary forum of partnership cooperation "Dialogue for the Future"

I International scientific and practical multidisciplinary forum of partnership cooperation "Dialogue for the Future"

Дата: 14-05-2024, 15:55 | Автор: Відділ інформації та зв'язків з громадськістю

 On 17-31 May 2024, the First International Scientific and Practical Multidisciplinary Partnership Forum "Dialogue for the Future" will be held in Riga (Latvia).

Co-organisers of the conference:

Baltic International Academy (Latvia), ECL Foreign Language Learning and Certification Centre (Latvia), ISMA Higher School of Management and Information Systems (Latvia), Chernihiv National Polytechnic University (Ukraine), Centre for Adaptation of Civil Service to the EU Standards (Ukraine), NGO "International Scientific and Educational Platform "Renew" (Ukraine).

With the participation and assistance of: Catholic University of Lublin (Poland), Dubno Institute of Technology (Slovakia), Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine), West Ukrainian National University (Ukraine).

Olena Ptashchenko, Doctor of Economics, Professor of West Ukrainian National University, will take part in the roundtable discussion "Dialogue for the Future".

The programme of the event is available here: 2024_programa_17-31_05_fnsh.pdf

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